本服務由資深護士主理, 特別為家中長者或行動不便人士提供到戶式服務
Having relapsed nail problem? Fungal nails with no progression? Nails become too thick to manage? Hard to fit into shoes? Help is here!
被指甲問題困擾? 用灰甲藥沒有進展? 指甲越來越厚, 很難修剪? 太厚影響著鞋?

Fungal Nail Care
指甲真菌感染 (灰甲)
At Limber Foot Care Co., we provide care on nail grinding services. By removing the affected part and combining it with your doctor's prescription of antifungal cream or ointment, minimising affected nail or even free from fungal infection in repeated grinding treatment is foreseeable and possible.
矯健可提供磨除過厚及受感染指甲, 加上塗抹適當藥物,漸漸令指甲康復, 助長新甲.
Other Foot Skin Care
其他足部問題 - 厚繭/乾裂/傷口
It is also our appreciation of help you on other skin problem like foot callus, cracking and even wound care
我們亦能為你處理其他足部皮膚問題, 例如厚繭, 乾裂, 傷口等.
Interested in learning more about all the services we provide? Contact us today and see how we can help you or your loved ones!
想知道我們可否幫到手? 現在就聯絡我們吧!