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About Us  關於我們

足部及趾甲問題往往都較容易被忽視, 而本地的足部健康宣傳亦都不太足夠. 監於公立足部護理服務多年以來未能滿足需求, 本服務提供關顧, 富質素, 及無痛的足部護理服務. 我們希望能夠以顧客為中心,有效及全面的足部健康管理令每位客人能於護理過程中感享受到滿意及健康的雙足.

Foot and nails problems are easily being neglected and local foot related health promotion is scarce. Despite the demand of public foot and nails medical service have not been resolved over many decades, we offer quality, caring and pain-free foot and nail care services. We wish to provide helpful, customer-orientated, effective and holistic management to all of our clients. We want our clients to enjoy definite satisfaction after each visit, and during the whole process of healthy feet attainment.   





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電台節目  Radio Show                  

照顧者培訓班   Care - giver Training Program       

合作伙伴 Our Partner

1. 香港足脊檢查中心 Hong Kong Foot-spine Assessment Centre

地址: 尖沙咀彌敦道96號美敦大廈6樓B室    Address: Flat B, 6/F, Milton Mansion, 96 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui

電話 Tel: 2311 5838                                      WhatsApp: 6063 5765                     

網址 Webpage:

營業時間 Opening Hours: 

星期一至五 Mondays to Fridays: 10:00am – 1:00pm, 2:00pm – 6:00pm
星期六 Saturdays: 10:00am – 2:00pm
星期日及公眾假期 Sundays and public holidays: 休息 close

2. 實展專業護理公司  Professional Super Healthcare Company
地址: 旺角彌敦道721號華比銀行大廈901室 

電話 Tel: 6447 7296                                     WhatsApp: 9793 0691                     

網址 Webpage:

營業時間 Opening Hours: 

星期一至六 Mondays to Saturdays: 10:00am – 6:00pm

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